Call for Posters

National Indian Health Board (NIHB) will host the Tribal Health Data Symposium on March 4 – 5, 2025 at the AT&T Forum in Washington, D.C. This no-cost symposium will explore how we can reimagine the ways in which we use data to advance health equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives. We will hear diverse perspectives and participate in robust discussions about what it can look like to have a Tribally-driven, culturally-grounded approach to data collection, analysis, governance, and communications. To register for the conference and learn more about the event, click  HERE.

NIHB is now Accepting Poster Abstracts

Poster abstracts may be submitted by email to Rochelle Ruffer and Jeannie Le at  [email protected] by Friday, February 7. Please include “Tribal Health Data Symposium Poster” in the subject line. In your email, please include the following:
  • The full title of your poster to be used for the program, should your poster be accepted.
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words)
  • Authors and affiliations – Please indicate for ALL authors: full name, email, affiliation(s), city, state, and indicate which authors will be present for the poster session.
  • A short biography of the presenting author(s).
Proposals are no longer being accepted for panel presentations. However, we are looking for posters for our poster session. If you have examples or case studies of how your organization/Tribe uses data to advance health equity, we would like to hear from you. This may include research, case studies, best practices, community perspectives, front line findings, lived experiences, and policy insights, among other culturally-grounded data work. We are especially interested in posters that showcase culturally relevant data visualization, dissemination of findings, and translation of findings for application in policy and practice to advance health equity.
Note: Our goal is to have a diverse group of perspectives represented from various sectors of work related to Tribal health equity data. We welcome poster submissions that (1) advance health equity for American Indians and Alaska Natives; (2) use a Tribal lens and/or come from a perspective of Indigenous identity; and (3) have practical application. All individuals from Tribes, Tribal organizations, government agencies, health organizations, academia, and community-based organizations are welcome to submit posters, including policy leaders, data analysts, researchers, medical, doctoral, and graduate students, and others. However, we cannot accept posters that are commercial or promotional, posters with plagiarized research, or submissions with substantive errors.

Poster Review Process

Abstract submissions for posters will be reviewed and selected by staff at NIHB. Submissions will be reviewed based on the following:

  1. All information requested is completed.
  2. The author has demonstrated knowledge.
  3. The submission is written well.
  4. The content is relevant to the Symposium goals and theme.

Poster submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis, but all applicants will be notified no later than Tuesday, February 11 as to the acceptance of their poster. Once accepted, one author must be in-person to participate in the poster session at the Tribal Health Equity Data Symposium on Tuesday, March 4. We hope you plan to stay for the entire symposium.

Additional Questions

Please note there is no registration fee for the symposium. However, there is no funding for travel and/or expenses for presenters or attendees.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rochelle Ruffer and Jeannie Le at [email protected]. For more information about the symposium and to register, please visit the conference website HERE.

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