2010 Awards Luncheon and Winners
Each year, the National Indian Health Board presents awards to individuals in Indian Country who have been champions for improving Indian Health. This year, many deserving and tireless advocates of Indian Health were honored. Congratulations to all the 2010 National Indian Health Board Awardees!
Jake White Crow Award:
The Jake White Crow Award was given to the family of the late Mr. Robert Moore in honor of the work he did on behalf of his people.
National Impact Award:
- Gale Marshall
- Cynthia Ahwinona
- Alejandro Bermudez-del-Villar
- Governor Norman Cooeyate
- Allison Binney, Esq
Area/Regional Impact Awards:
- Virginia Washington
- John Eagle Shield
- James Segura
- Agatha Amos
- Denise Aragon
- Norton Sound Health Corporation Board of Directors
- Division of Environmental Health & Engineering
- Mary Brickell
- March of Dimes American Indian/Alaska Native Women’s Committee
- Cynthia Schraer, MD
- Bill Lance, Terry Rice, Marjorie Rogers
- Johnny Hernandez
- Dr. Dan Calac
Local Impact Awards:
- Fort Defiance Hospital Board, Inc.
- Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) Health Services
- Connie Hill
- Hickory Starr
- Healthy O’odham Promotion Program
- Principal Delbert Ortiz
- Laura Rambeau-Lawson
- Jerome J. Simone
- Mary Spalding-Antilla, CHR
- Connie Brushbreaker
- Kodiak Area Native Association Health Division
- Lucy Rubio Castillo
Youth Leadership:
- Bahweting Anishanabek Tribal Youth Council