The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) views health information technology (IT) as a major development leading to improvements in the next generation of healthcare for our nation’s American Indian and Alaska Native communities. As an organization, NIHB is poised to advocate for policy decisions that will produce optimal outcomes for deployment of health IT in Native communities. Through the initial collaborative efforts of NIHB staff working with Area Indian Health Boards and Regional Tribal Health Organizations, we are now placed with the collective responsibility and opportunity to establish and support a national HITECH Center to serve the health IT needs and interests of Native communities across the country.
In 2010, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) funded 62 HITECH Regional Extension Centers (RECs) in every geographic region of the U.S. NIHB received a cooperative agreement award to establish the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Regional Extension Center (REC). While most RECs serve a single state, the NIHB AI/AN REC is the only national center serving tribes and urban Indian populations located in 37 states throughout the U.S. NIHB will need sustainable working partnerships with Tribes and Tribal Organizations, Urban Indian Organizations and the Indian Health Service (IHS) to make this project a success.
Electronic health records and health information exchange can help clinicians provide higher quality and safer care for their patients. By adopting electronic health records in a meaningful way, clinicians can:
The nation is entering a new era of health care where patients and doctors can use electronic health records to improve health and the way health care is delivered in this country.
Electronic health records make it possible for you and your doctors to better manage your care through secure use and sharing of health information. With electronic health records, doctors can have:
Electronic health records also allow you to experience more convenient care. For example, you won’t likely have to spend time filling out or answering the same questions about your health every time you visit the doctor or hospital, and you will be notified when you or your child needs preventive care such as vaccinations.
One of the highest priorities of the NIHB AI/AN REC is to ensure direct health IT services are provided to Primary Care Providers serving their Tribal communities to: