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Accreditation Process | Resources & Tools
NIHB supports tribal health agencies who seek voluntary national accreditation from the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). NIHB is committed to ensuring that its members have the technical support needed to become accredited and continuously improve the performance of their health agencies.
Each applicant must complete three agency-wide processes before applying for national accreditation: A Tribal Community Health Assessment, a Tribal Community Health Improvement Plan and an Tribal Agency Strategic Plan. To be eligible for accreditation, these three documents must have been updated in the last 5 years.
According to PHAB, a Tribal community health assessment is a collaborative process of collecting and analyzing data and information for use in educating and mobilizing communities, development priorities, garnering resources, and planning actions to improve the population’s health.
According to PHAB, a Tribal community health improvement plan is a long-term, systematic plan to address issues identified in the tribal community health assessment.
According to PHAB, the Tribal agency strategic plan shapes and guides the activities of a tribal health department, sets forth the department’s vision, mission and guiding principles. Also, this document outlines the strategic priorities and describes the measurable and time-framed goals and objectives of the department.
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National Indian Health Board