Community Diabetes Support Group
“If everyone with diabetes does their part to help researchers understand what causes diabetes and how to prevent it, then one day there may be a world without diabetes.”
- Anela Lautalo
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 9 years old. My life hasn’t been the same since that day. There’s never a vacation. It is like a bad dream that lasts all day, all year, for my entire life. You never get a break from diabetes, not even on your birthday.
I test my blood sugar six to eight times each day, every day, and have to give myself 6 to 8 shots each day to manage my blood sugar levels. And some days it is hard to keep your blood sugar in good control, even when you try really hard.
I am the only one in my family to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and I want to do all I can to help researchers learn the cause of diabetes so that one day other kids won’t have to live with this disease.
I am trying to do my part by participating in SEARCH, an important research project made possible by the Special Diabetes Program. There is so much that people don’t know about diabetes and by participating in SEARCH, I am helping researchers learn more about what causes this disease and how to cure it. It gives me hope that we will have a cure soon!
Diabetes Program Participants
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