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September 2, 2016

NEW NIHB Toolkit Focused on The Affordable Care Act for Native Youth!

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB), in partnership with the Indian Health Service is excited to debut “The Affordable Care Act: What Native Youth Need To Know” video; which shows future leaders of Indian Country as they experience Washington D.C. at the NIHB Youth Summit; interact with members of the Senate; leading policy officials; learn about the ACA and health care for Indian Country. The film then follows several of these young Native leaders to their home communities where they reflect on the lessons they learned in Washington D.C. and the importance of Tribal health care reform for themselves and their communities.

The Toolkit will feature:

  • A poster featuring several Native youth
  • A poster created by Native youth for Native youth
  • A brochure featuring content for Native youth to learn more about the ACA
  • A film production of the 2015 Native Youth Health Summit and participants as they speak to the ACA for Native youth

For any of this content in print form, please contact Chawin ‘Win’ Reilly at [email protected], or check out “Outreach and Education” materials tab on this webpage.

Film Announcement Flier Actual 9.1