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April 6, 2022

President Biden Signs Executive Order Strengthening Health Care Access for American Families

On April 6, 2022, the President signed an Executive Order to make health care more easily accessible to American families. Specifically, this Executive Order aims to fix the “family glitch” in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and open a path for American families to gain access to affordable health care. The overall goal of the Executive Order is to strengthen access to Medicaid. This order also aims to guide federal agencies to continue to expand affordable and quality centered health care coverage.


The National Indian Health Board‘s (NIHBs) Vice Chairman, Nickolaus Lewis and NIHB CEO Stacy A. Bohlen took part in the historic event which brought together the former President Barack Obama, President Biden and Vice President Harris.


Through the ACA, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) was reauthorized. This piece of legislation has been instrumental in providing Indian specific provisions for healthcare. Some IHCIA successes for Indian Country include the authorization for third-party reimbursement to the Indian health system through Medicaid, zero-cost sharing for premiums and co-pays for the Health Insurance Marketplace and Medicaid, and monthly open enrollment for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). Read the NIHB’s press release click here and learn more about the Health Insurance Marketplace for AI/ANs click here. To enroll in health coverage through the Marketplace please click here, or visit your local Indian Health Service, Tribal Health Clinic or Urban Indian Health Clinic (I/T/U) facility to speak to an enrollment assister.