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March 18, 2013

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) welcomes HHS Secretary Sebelius to the twitterverse!

Washington, DC — NIHB was heartened to see that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced her new twitter account under a banner which quoting her making the case for public health:

The biggest change we can make isn’t how we provide health care—it’s when.  Right now, we have a sick care system, and we need to invest in a health care system. – Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Like Secretary Sebelius, NIHB supports a re-envisioning of our current health care system.  Making substantial and meaningful investments in public health means long term financial savings for governments and individuals.  In the current difficult financial environment, NIHB recognizes the important role public health will play in creating new efficiencies, particularly in Indian Country where health care has been consistently underfunded.

More important than the financial benefits, investments in public health improve and save lives! Because Indian Country experiences a disproportionate share of public health related disparities, Indian Country also stands to benefit greatly from public health investments.

Making the case for public health is not always easy; often, the measure of success for public health activity is less apparent than for other types of activity.  For instance, a successful injury prevention program results in a non-event – no injuries.  While this success does not easily capture the spotlight, it does make a tremendous difference to individuals and communities.

Strong and respected voices, like that of Secretary Sebelius, can amplify the quiet success of public health.  NIHB commends the Secretary for her commitment to public health and stands with her as we shift from a sick care system to a health care system – for Indian Country and the nation.