
Tribal Examples of Major Plans

Please note that the examples have been provided below as a courtesy of the corresponding Tribes. It cannot be assumed that these documents have been reviewed or approved through the PHAB accreditation process

Tribal Community Health Assessments

According to PHAB, a Tribal community health assessment is a collaborative process of collecting and analyzing data and information for use in educating and mobilizing communities, development priorities, garnering resources, and planning actions to improve the population’s health.

Tribal Examples:

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi CHA Overview (PDF)

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Tribal Health Assessment (PDF)

2012 Oneida Nation Community Health Assessment (PDF)
This is an example of how the Oneida Nation shares their community health assessment on their website

Tribal Community Health Improvement Plans

According to PHAB, a Quality Improvement Plan is part of a sound quality improvement infrastructure. The plan is guided by the health departments polices and strategic direction found in its mission and vision statements, in its strategic plan, and in its health improvement plan.

Pascua Yaqui Pueblo Community Health Improvement Plan (PDF)

Performance Management System

According to PHAB, a performance management system communicates across the department how the department will 1) endure that goals are being met consistently in an effective and efficient manner and 2) identify the need to improve organizational results.

Oneida Comunity Health Services Department (OCHSD) - Performance Management Plan - 2017-2018

All Hazards Emergency Operations Plan

According to PHAB, an emergency operations plan outlines core roles and responsibilities for all-hazard responses, as well as plans for scenario-specific events, such as weather events.

Tribal Health Department Strategic Plan

According to PHAB, the Tribal agency strategic plan shapes and guides the activities of a tribal health department, sets forth the department’s vision, mission and guiding principles. Also, this document outlines the strategic priorities and describes the measurable and time-framed goals and objectives of the department.

Tribal Examples:

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community DHHS Agency - Strategic Plan (PDF)

Cherokee Nation Tribal Public Health System - Strategic Plan (PDF)

Tribal Health Department Quality Improvement Plan

Tribal Example:

Forest County Potawatomi Community Health Department - Quality Improvement Plan (PDF)


NIHB Contacts:

Jessica Dean, DrPH, MSPH
Public Health Policy and Programs Project Coordinator

National Indian Health Board
50 F St NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-507-4083
[email protected]


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National Indian Health Board
50 F St NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20001 | Phone: 202-507-4070 | Email: [email protected]