NIHB’s Tribal Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Center (TEJTAC) is providing free technical assistance to Indian Country for environmental health and climate justice opportunities benefiting Tribal communities as one of three national Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TC TAC). Visit the EJ TC TAC webpage to learn more about this network.
NIHB will serve as a national technical assistance center focusing on providing support to Tribal entities and communities.
Eligible entities to receive Technical Assistance at NIHB’s Tribal Environmental Justice TAC include:
To request technical assistance, fill out the TA Request Intake form by clicking the link or call 202-507-4070. Please be sure to provide details on the environmental or clean energy concern you have and/or the federal funding you are looking to apply for. If you would like to share any documents with NIBH, please email them to [email protected] and an Environmental Health Program staff member from NIHB will be in touch with you soon!
The Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center Network includes 14 centers serving communities within specific EPA regions, including Tribes. Tribes are welcome to request TA from either the National Indian Health Board or the center serving their region.
Funded by the U.S. EPA in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the EJ TC TAC program was established to support underserved and overburdened communities address environmental and clean energy concerns. EJ TC TACs aim to remove barriers and improve accessibility to federal funds through trainings, capacity building, and direct technical assistance services.
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National Indian Health Board
50 F St NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001
© 2024 National Indian Health Board
President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on federal funding could have serious implications for Tribal health. NIHB is actively advocating for Tribal Nations and providing key updates—click to learn more and access resources.