The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) provides support and policy expertise to Tribal Advisory Committees (TAC). TACs are established to enhance nation-to-nation engagement, honor federal trust responsibilities and obligations to Tribes and American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people and increase understanding and collaboration between federally recognized Tribes and federal agencies. Throughout the year NIHB keeps track of key issues raised by TACs, and monitors TAC vacancies. We also provide Tribal leaders on TACs with talking points, briefing materials and other technical support.
There are over a dozen TACs, workgroups, and that are specifically related to health and health care issues. Many are housed within the IHS, but over 8 at the other IHS operating divisions.
If you are interested in joining a TAC or would like more information about how you can contribute, please contact NIHB’s Policy Analyst Randy-Gipson Black at [email protected].
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Committee
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National Indian Health Board
50 F St NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20001
© 2024 National Indian Health Board
President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on federal funding could have serious implications for Tribal health. NIHB is actively advocating for Tribal Nations and providing key updates—click to learn more and access resources.