Infectious Disease


The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is pleased to partner with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Project Firstline — a comprehensive infection control program designed to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases in U.S. healthcare settings. With Project Firstline funding, NIHB will implement a multi-pronged approach to providing infection prevention and control (IPC) training and technical assistance to Tribal health officials and Tribal health systems. The goal of the project is to assist frontline Tribal healthcare workers and infectious control officers in strengthening their knowledge base and improve IPC practices through interactive trainings and offering tools and resources to carry out their critical work during, and after, the COVID-19 pandemic.


Project Firstline aims to implement a multi-pronged approach to providing infection prevention and control (IPC) training and technical assistance to Tribal health officials and Tribal health systems.

The goal is to increase knowledge and improve practice of IPC within Tribal health facilities and among Tribal health staff. The main objectives are:

  1. To implement a training and capacity building assistance program to raise the capacity of Indian health infection control professionals and health providers; and
  2. Develop and/or adapt existing materials to inform Tribal health professionals about important components of IPC.

Activities to aid in building capacity include a mentorship program between infection control professionals and Tribal health officials; support for Tribal health officials to enroll in IPC courses and certification; design and disseminate infection control demonstration videos and job aides; host a Tribally-specific IPC learning community; and conduct a Tribal IPC institute. Project Firstline is a collaborative effort and NIHB is one of many partners carrying out the work outlined.


Find archived Project Firstline announcements, events, information, and opportunities below.

  • Infection Control Training Scholarship
  • Infection Control Peer Learning Community
Learning Communities:

The NIHB Tribal Infection Control (TIC) Learning Community are monthly peer-to-peer learning opportunities for Infection Control Officers, frontline staff, and those that work in infection prevention and control. Find archived slides and recordings below.

Training Materials: Infection prevention and control resources for IPC certification and continuing education.

Partner Resources:

Infection control tools and resources from Project Firstline collaboration partners. Partner resources will be available and updated regularly.

information hub

Infectious Disease news

NIHB is offering mini grants of up to $45,000 to support community vaccination clinics, in-home

Infectious Disease Partner Resources
Upcoming Events
March 4, 2025 - March 5, 2025

National Indian Health Board will host the Tribal Health Data Symposium on March 4–5, 2025

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NIHB Response to Executive Orders

President Trump’s recent Executive Orders on federal funding could have serious implications for Tribal health. NIHB is actively advocating for Tribal Nations and providing key updates—click to learn more and access resources.